Henning has written and published numerous works on theology, philosophy, leadership and poetry. His best selling work 'The 99 Degrees of Freemasonry' is in its third edition and quoted within Wikipedia.
As business leader:
He was Chairman of the German European chamber of Commerce SA Inc. and Board Member of the Council for International Trade and Commerce. He has led the submission into the AU-EU Free Trade Agreement and regularly represents German Australian business interests through Ministerial and diplomatic contacts.
As cultural leader:
Former president of the Adelaide University Volkschor, former Board of the German Club, Former Board member of the Austrian Club, former president of the Collegiate School of St. Peter German Society, Former Secretary of the German Freemasons Lodge Concordia 266, Priest in the indigenous religion of Germany and recently honoured with opening the inaugural Oktoberfest in the Gardens of Adelaide, Henning has been affectionately labeled 'Mr Germany' by some.
As entrepreneur:
Henning grew to prominence from his presentations, radio, media and television engagements as CEO of Skytrust, a global cloud-based organisational management platform with over 100,000 users and more recently as CEO of Schwerpunkt Pty Ltd a Virtual Reality and Business Improvement Corporation. His company Schwerpunkt was the world's first business to commercialise virtual reality tourism.
As historian:
Adding to his list of achievements, Henning has created a youtube history channel 'Klovekorn the Relic Hunter' documenting various historical relics to much great acclaim. He is curator of the Lobethal Archives and Historical Museum Inc. which holds Australia's oldest Lutheran Seminary and one of the oldest Biblical Collections of the Reformation. Henning Klovekorn is also donor of the 'Klovekorn Freemasons Collection' housed at the Museum of Freemasonry under the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of SA and NT Inc. He is the Secretary of the SA / NT Chapter of the London based Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle.
As risk professional
Henning has been a risk professional for 20 years, working as Group HR/WHS Manager for Liebherr, Director - Safety for TAFE SA, National Quality Manager for Alcan Packaging Capsules Australia and National Safety Advisor for General Motors Holden. He is a Chartered HR Professional, Chartered Safety Professional and long-standing principal auditor with the International Register of Certified Auditors London.
Henning has been on the front cover of the South Australian (News Limited) Business Journal three times (2011, 2013, 2016).